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Benefits of Bow Pose (Dhanurasan)!

Benefits of Bow Pose (Dhanurasan) :

Benefits of Bow Pose (Dhanurasan) are numerous! We are living in a post-modern world where life and livelihood are very fast. But we have to stay stuck for hours together seated in front of the computer, mobile, and TV set, in a bend-forward position. This exerts extra pressure to the entire spine, from neck to lumbar. This Bow Pose can relieve you from all this extra pressure on your spine and brain, keep them lively, and free from lifestyle diseases like spondylosis, spondylitis, Blood Pressure, and Diabetes.

You need not worry about the said problems if you are a follower of this yoga practice. Just practice this and be free of these problems!

After a day of hectic work, this exercise feels just amazing. Even we can practice before we start our day. At the same time, it will address the deadliest of modern diseases like spondylosis, blood pressure, and sugar(diabetes). This exercise will keep us physically fit and mentally alert with its bend-backward position which will compensate for the whole day’s workload in a bend-forward position. This is the beauty of this exercise.

So, practice this and remain free and happy from those anxieties forever!

Its Complementary exercises:

Its Complementary exercises are Circle/Wheel Pose ( Chakrasana ). Three poses are generally practiced in the sequence as Cobra pose ( Bhujangasana ) > Bow Pose ( Dhanurasana ) > Circle/Wheel Pose ( Chakrasana ). Before that, we should have some warm-up exercises according to our own situations and conditions.

Don’t despair. Take heart that these backward bending exercises will put you back on track. And make you free from the stresses of life! Yoga poses like bow pose, wheel, cobra, and camel pose will take care of your spine, from neck to lumber, and keep you healthy and joyful. Encourage your loved ones to follow.

Yoga will take care of your neuropsychological well-being as well in a great way!

Your posture

Your posture is very important to keep up the health of your spine. Always be mindful that you do not study, sit in wrong postures for long in front of your TV, Computer, Mobile Screens, etc. which can be uneasy and harmful in the short and long run.

Image Courtesy : Brooklyn Reflexology

Correct Sitting Posture at Computer. Flat Design Style. Vector illustration

Try to follow a scientific posture, which will help you be healthy, fit, and fine to continue your pursuits well.

good posture

Image Courtesy: Harvard Health Publishing ( Harvard Medical School)

Even after good posture, you need to have a break after a gap of 20-30 minutes and/or whenever you feel necessary. You should also limber up and bend yourself backward from head to lumbar in the same 20-30 minutes interval (whenever felt necessary) and these should be very light. Because you are doing these without any warm-ups! Get up from your chair from time to time (e.g. twice in an hour) and walk whatever space is available there.






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